Adoption and Surrogacy Law

As more and more women choose to delay having children, and alternative families become more common, the need for lawyers familiar with laws concerning adoption and surrogacy has grown. The law governing surrogacy and adoption is rapidly evolving, and the legal issues prospective parents and surrogates face can be as complex as the emotional ones. What are the legal advantages to gestational, as opposed to traditional, surrogacy? What steps should prospective parents take to guard against challenges to their custodial rights once their children are born? How can potential surrogates protect themselves from unanticipated situations that may arise during a pregnancy? These are just a few of the issue that courts and state legislatures are beginning to sort out.
As the parent of two daughters conceived through in vitro fertilization (IVF), David H. Pollack has a unique knowledge and appreciation for the emotional and legal issues faced by donors, surrogates, and prospective parents. He is also able to assist clients in preparing and reviewing surrogacy and egg donor agreements, as well as advising them on medical privacy, insurance coverage, and other legal issues that frequently arise during the adoption and surrogacy process.
For further information, or to schedule an appointment to speak with Mr. Pollack about the legal issues and ramifications involved in creating a family through surrogacy or adoption, contact The Pollack Law Firm.